Out of the Mud: Avoiding the Temptation of the Old Ways - 2 Peter 2:22 Out of the Mud: Avoiding the Temptation of the Old Ways - 2 Peter 2:22

Out of the Mud: Avoiding the Temptation of the Old Ways

Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.”

2 Peter 2:22 NIV

Have you ever imagined why pigs go back to the mud regardless of how much you clean them? It is because their old habits have not died yet. Pigs are at home in their natural habitat of the mud. Even when they know that they are clean, they still can’t let go of the desire to go back. They feel at home in the mud. If, as a Christian, you have not yet forsaken your old habits, then you are like a sow. When you still feel cool in the dirt of sin, it shows a pig’s behaviour.

A dog returns to its vomit because even though it knows that the vomit is not good, it still hasn’t overcome the temptation of not looking back at it. Nowadays, some Christians claim that they have let all go for Christ, but old habits and improper ways of life can still be found in them. Some Christians think that they have received the life of Christ. However, they are still drawn to their old ways. They think the life of Christ is coverage to continue in the world with the mindset that grace covers. Paul asks the people of Rome this question.

“What shall we say [to all this]? Should we continue in sin and practice sin as a habit so that [God’s gift of] grace may increase and overflow?”

Romans 6:1 AMP

This is a question that we all must answer as well. The habit that you claim the life of God has collected from you, hope you have not gone back to it? Hope you have not gone back to the lifestyle you were living before encountering Christ? Are you still living your life with the consciousness that you are now for Christ?

Now is the time to check yourself again and see if you have not gone back to your vomit. Check your lifestyle, attitude, words, and heart to see if you are still on the right track or if you have gone back to the mud, just like the sow. You cannot claim to be in Christ and still continue doing the things of the world. Check your faith if you claim to be for God and are still doing the old things. Stay out of the mud!

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