Obedience: The Pathway to Peace - Isaiah 48:18 Obedience: The Pathway to Peace - Isaiah 48:18

Obedience: The Pathway to Peace

Oh, that you had listened to my commands! Then you would have had peace flowing like a gentle river and righteousness rolling over you like waves in the sea.

Isaiah 48:18 NLT

This verse is part of a larger passage in which God is speaking to his people. We hear Him calling for repentance, obedience, and righteousness, reminding us of covenant relationship and blessings through faithfulness.

In Isaiah 48:18, God expresses his desire for his people to listen to his commands. He longs for them to follow his ways, knowing that this will lead to peace and righteousness. Meanwhile, the imagery of peace flowing like a river and righteousness rolling like waves in the sea is powerful and vivid. It paints a picture of abundance and beauty.

A river, in its flow widens and deepens; receiving new tributaries on the left and right, from the various sources of grace. It sweeps away—as it rolls on in its strength—the obstacles of unsanctified affections and unconquered lusts. It also includes the idea of increase. For as a mighty river can be traced to an insignificant spring, so it is with the peace of the soul. Such is the kind of peace your heavenly Father desires for you. In the same way, overwhelming peace is rooted in obedience, even to the least of God’s instructions.

You Are Called To Obey

Behold the Father’s love, reaching out to the wandering souls in quest for peace. God has been reaching out with various instructions for us to obey. But how well are we adhering to God’s instructions. Indeed, there are many blessings and benefits that we miss because of disobedience.

God in His infinite mercy is calling out to us again; it is a call unto correction – it is a call unto perfect obedience. Obedience to God opens the spring of peace and releases the grace unto righteousness.

To “listen” in this context is more than just hearing, it means to obey – to accept someone’s authority over yours. So, we can say the secret to peace and righteousness is in accepting God’s authority over our own. It is absolute obedience to God’s instructions.

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