Mercy in Action: Showing God's Love to Others - Matthew 5:7 Mercy in Action: Showing God's Love to Others - Matthew 5:7

Mercy in Action: Showing God’s Love to Others

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Matthew 5:7 NIV

In Matthew 18:23-34, Jesus tells a parable that compares the Mercy of the kingdom of heaven to a king settling accounts with his servants. One of the servants owed so much that he could never repay it. Specifically, ten thousand talents in the King James Version or ten thousand bags of gold in the NIV Bible. A talent was worth about 20 years of a laborer’s wage per day.

Since the servant had nothing to sell or offer, the king ordered his men to sell the man, his family, and all his possessions to repay the debt. Even if the proceeds were not enough, the man would still be responsible for the remainder of the debt.

Like the servant, all mankind owes so much. There’s nothing anyone can bring that would have been sufficient for the payment. Imagine if the king had visited the debts of the servant’s wife and children. When put together, the price over them was not enough, even for the man.

Now we have the poor man who would not pretend to be rich. Rather, he mourned for his life and that of his family. He pleaded for patience, but he got something greater. This servant asked for more time, but the master showed him mercy by cancelling all the debts. The king showed the servant mercy. But the servant refused to show mercy to someone who owed him a small amount compared to his own debt.

God has shown us mercy, and He wants us to also be a channel of His mercy unto others. Not only in making expressions of pity and concern, but with affectionate and cheerful helping hand and with a view to the glory of God. By instructing the ignorant, giving godly counsel, reproving men of their sin, praying for them, forgiveness, and by comforting the downcast.

To show mercy is very delightful to, and desirable by God. “Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” (1 Peter 2:10 NIV). It is therefore, inevitable for everyone whom God has shown mercy, to also do the same unto others. (Matthew 18:35, James 2:13)

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