Meekness: The Attitude of The Kingdom - Matthew 5:5 Meekness: The Attitude of The Kingdom - Matthew 5:5

Meekness: The Attitude of The Kingdom

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

Matthew 5:5 NIV

When God brings a man to the place of acknowledging his spiritual poorness and to the realization that there’s no hope for him unless he will cry for help – mourn for his sins and repent, it is commonly a considerably awkward feeling to the man. But whom God first breaks He afterwards melts. Sorrow softens, and the state which results from this twofold process of breaking and softening is meekness.

Meekness is not weakness. However, It is an inward calmness and tranquillity of mind, outwardly evident in courteous, kind, and friendly behaviour to men. Meekness submits uncomplainingly. It graciously resigns to inevitable ills; or bears patiently, without passionate resentment, without seeking to retaliate, but is ready to embrace all overtures of reconciliation.

Blessed [inwardly peaceful, spiritually secure, worthy of respect] are the gentle [the kind-hearted, the sweet-spirited, the self-controlled], for they will inherit the earth.

Matthew 5:5 AMP

Meanwhile, isn’t it surprising that Jesus says that the meek shall inherit the earth? For they seem quite unfit to gain any earthly heritage. They will not condescend to take part in strife. Instead, they sacrifice their rights; permit themselves to be ill-used and seem to be at everybody’s mercy.

When our Lord was teaching on the beatitudes, he didn’t fail to mention the meek. The blessedness of the meek is the ease with which they receive instruction. They are easy to lead. They are people who are devoid of pride.

Indeed, great blessing belongs to the meek; they shall inherit the earth (Psalm 37:11), and their seeds also (Psalm 25:13). Are you meek?

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