Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it. For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.
Romans 8:12-13 NIV
When you have a strong interest in something, you find ways to pursue it repeatedly, often without considering the effort or cost. Similarly, when a person comes to Christ, they no longer live according to their own fleshly desires. Instead, the focus shifts towards living by the Spirit and fulfilling God’s will. This transformation signifies a departure from selfish inclinations and a commitment to walking in obedience to God. There is an obligation to live according to the Spirit.
Those who have not surrendered their hearts to God continue to live according to the desires of the flesh. They prioritise what pleases their sinful nature, and as Romans 8:6 warns, this path leads to death. Feeding the flesh produces spiritual decay, whereas aligning with the Spirit leads to life and peace. The stark contrast between these two paths calls us to examine where we stand. Are we guided by the fleeting pleasures of the flesh, or are we walking in step with the Spirit, pursuing eternal purposes?
Living by the Spirit does not come naturally; it requires deliberate effort and continual dependence on God. We must prioritise studying the Scriptures, prayer, and fellowship with other believers to grow spiritually. Neglecting these disciplines hinders our spiritual maturity and makes us vulnerable to the desires of the flesh. To live in step with the Spirit requires a conscious choice to follow His leadership daily. It is by mortifying our flesh. The Spirit directs us towards righteousness and enables us to fulfil God’s purpose, but this necessitates surrendering our will and yielding to His.
By choosing to live according to the Spirit, we find true peace and rest. This peace is not merely the absence of conflict but the presence of God’s assurance in our hearts. On the contrary, living according to the flesh results in turmoil, disorder, and ultimately death. The flesh promises satisfaction but delivers emptiness and destruction.
The leadership of the Spirit provides clarity and purpose in a world full of distractions. When we follow the Spirit, He transforms our desires to align with God’s will. This leads us to live lives marked by joy, peace, and a deeper sense of fulfilment. Walking in the Spirit also empowers us to overcome sin and resist temptations that appeal to our flesh.
Moreover, the Spirit’s guidance enables us to experience the abundant life Jesus promised in John 10:10. This life is not free from challenges, but it is characterised by the unwavering presence of God and His ability to work all things for our good (Romans 8:28). The Spirit equips us with strength to face difficulties, grace to love others, and wisdom to navigate life’s complexities.
Ultimately, living by the Spirit is a journey of transformation. It is a daily decision to die to ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Christ. It may not always be easy, but the reward is eternal. As we submit to the Spirit, we become more like Christ, reflecting His love, grace, and truth to the world around us.
The question remains: which path will you choose? Will you continue to live for fleeting pleasures that lead to death, or will you embrace the life-giving guidance of the Spirit? Surrendering to the Spirit may require sacrifices, but the peace and joy that come from walking with God far outweigh the cost. Remember, true life is found in Him alone. Choose the Spirit, and you will find life and peace that endure forever.