Joseph: A Life of Righteousness and Steadfastness - Psalm 105:18-19 Joseph: A Life of Righteousness and Steadfastness - Psalm 105:18-19

Joseph: A Life of Righteousness and Steadfastness

They bruised his feet with shackles, his neck was put in irons, till what he foretold came to pass, till the word of the Lord proved him true.

Psalm 105:18-19 NIV

Joseph, though a man of destiny, was sold as a slave. Shackles bruised his feet, and an iron collar confined his neck. Nevertheless, his destiny could not be massacred. Nothing could cut short his glory. How terrible must the experience have been. He was moving from one degree of slavery to another, till he landed in prison, which later turned out to be a place of divine encounter. Joseph met the man who would later recommend him to Pharaoh when the time came for his manifestation while he was in prison.

He endured the agony of shackles bruising his feet and an iron collar restricting his neck. Yet, no one dared bind the seed God had planted inside of him. They could only bind his body, not his soul. They could not dare lay a finger on the deposit of grace upon his life. The gift or talent God had deposited in him were never idle. He did not lose his vision, but he remained righteous, even in chains. Through trials and tribulations, Joseph clung to his faith, never losing sight of God’s promises.

Every believer must realise that the ‘slavery or prison time’ is not the end of our journey. It is just a waiting period. A season of preparation for the manifestation of God’s plan. As long as we would not give up, there is a “till” that we must patiently wait for. Though it tarries, wait, it will surely come. The time of manifestation and freedom is coming, but while we wait, we cannot afford to be idle. Rather, we must be actively exercising the gift(s) that God has deposited within us. We must keep running with the mandate God has given us. With unwavering faith, we must press ahead toward the glorious destiny God has for us. Stopping on the journey should not be a choice. Perseverance in the face of adversity will get us to the finish point.

Imagine if Joseph had not interpreted the dream while he was in prison. If he had ignored his cell mate’s problem. What do you think could have become of him? Though no one can defeat God’s purpose, the Lord may choose to use someone else for this task, possibly in a completely different way. It is crucial that we do not miss our appointed role. I pray that we will not miss out of God’s plan for our lives. May our place not be given to another in Jesus’ name. Amen! Embrace your destiny. The time of manifestation is drawing near. Divine purpose awaits you.

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