Jesus Prayed: Discovering the Need for Divine Connection -Mark 1:35 Jesus Prayed: Discovering the Need for Divine Connection -Mark 1:35

Jesus Prayed: Discovering the Need for Divine Connection

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Mark 1:35 NIV

Sincerely, if there is one person in the whole of the Bible and in the world who does not need to pray, it is Jesus. Because Jesus is the Word; Jesus is God. Yet, as recorded in the Scriptures, we see that Jesus prayed. This raises the question: Why would Jesus pray? It might seem ironic, that a man of the supernatural realm prayed (the authority is there). He performed numerous miracles, such as healing Simon’s mother-in-law and delivering people who were demon-possessed.

Following these miracles, Jesus left the gathering. Before people could come to where he was again, before those who slept in the vicinity where he was would wake up, Jesus stood up a great while before dawn and went to a secluded place to pray. Despite the hustle and bustle, Jesus sought a place where he could commune with the Father, away from the crowds.

One might wonder why there was a need for Jesus to do that. The reason is that Jesus recognised he was not living for himself. Jesus was completely dependent on the Father, so he cultivated the habit of praying. This teaches us an important lesson: we are not self-sufficient. Our lives are completely dependent on the One who made us. Therefore, we cannot live outside of Him.

Indeed, prayer is indispensable. Jesus was always escaping to pray. In a sense He was quarantining himself so that He could spend time talking to God. When you look at the prayer life of Jesus you find that He prayed a lot and prayed different kinds of prayers. Jesus prayed about who to choose to be His original disciples (Luke 6:12-13). He prayed about the miracles He performed. Significantly, His prayer life was so strong, powerful and intimate with the Heavenly Father that the disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray (Luke 11:1).

Jesus prayed about everything. So, as for us, we must pray for the lost. Pray for the believers. Pray for anything and everything. Be an intercessor. We must stand in the gap and lift people up before God. This is part of what it takes to spread the Gospel. If we want to unleash the gospel we pray. Albeit, prioritise the closet. Avoid showmanship and pray the Jesus way.

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