Psalm 25:3 Psalm 25:3

In Trouble: Trusting God Fully on the Journey

Indeed, none of those who [expectantly] wait for You will be ashamed; Those who turn away from what is right and deal treacherously without cause will be ashamed (humiliated, embarrassed).

Psalm 25:3 AMP

David at this moment was in a state of great trouble. This shouldn’t appear as something strange to every believer; for it is the path most of God’s family walk in. It is not an uncommon path. The Master trod the path and told His people to expect tribulation. “…In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Therefore, we can be sure that through a complete trust in the Lord; expectantly waiting for Him to be our strength through the challenging period we will not be ashamed. But we shall have victory and peace even as the Master has promised.

So, Beloved, let your anchor hold-fast in Christ Jesus through the days of trouble. Faithful is He that has promised, and He is able to fulfil every of His word, and you will never be put to shame. Amid chaos, trust God’s path; He never forsakes those who seek His guidance. Always remember His promises; this helps to foster continual belief in God.

Albeit, there are various examples of God showing up for His beloved in the scriptures. Study the scriptures. This will serve as a boost for your faith. So, daily reiterate the promises of God over your life. As you do this, you will discover the peace that surpasses human understanding in the time of trouble. Therefore, take courage! And watch God overcome for you in all of life’s challenges.
What other promises of God would you like to remind yourself today?

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