In the Name of Christ: The Right Way of Living the New Life - Colossians 3:17 In the Name of Christ: The Right Way of Living the New Life - Colossians 3:17

In the Name of Christ: The Right Way of Living the New Life

Whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus [and in dependence on Him], giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Colossians 3:17 AMP

We’re facing a terrible dilemma today, especially in deciding whether certain things are right or wrong. But thanks be to God for giving us His word. I would like to re-emphasise that this instruction applies to those who have embraced the new life in Christ Jesus. You cannot live as a believer if you have not believed. How I wish that you also would not be exempted from this new life. Meanwhile, before we consider what, it means for us to “do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus”. I would like to first point out that God expects that every believer would not be idle.

Therefore, this scripture started by saying “whatever you do”. Which confirms that as long as a believer is alive, he must be doing something, either in word or deed. He must not be alive as though he was dead.

Another important truth I want us to consider is that God is interested in every area of our lives. Even so also, in all that we do. “Whatever you do” clearly shows that God is equally interested in your career. Even your family, and every other aspect of your life, as He is in your walk with Him. You cannot isolate some part of your life from Him. No matter what it is, in word or deed, even in your thinking, this truth remains valid.

“…do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus”. The first thing this implies is that we should do everything by Christ’s authority. We are to draw the strength and power for doing anything and everything. We are to live completely dependent on Him, as the source of our life. By doing all in the name of the Lord, we declare our dependence on Him.

But Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gold, but I do have something else I can give you. By the power of Jesus Christ from Nazareth—stand up and walk!”

Acts 3:6 ERV

Peter did something here – he gave healing. But we can testify that he was only a channel. He only had to speak; he mentioned the source of the power that brought the healing – it is by the power of Jesus Christ.

Secondly, it implies that whatever we do must be done for the sake of Christ. As one that reflects Christ Jesus, whatever mercy, kindness, love etc, that others would benefit from our lives is only such that Christ wants them to have. We do not have the ability to do anything good humanly speaking. However, with the new life of Christ in us, we can now do for others what Christ would want to do. We can also do it in the way He would want it done. When we view men through God’s mirror, Christ’s light moves us to reflect it unto them. (See Mark 9:41)

Above all, to do anything and everything in the name of Jesus Christ means to do them for His glory. We are but an ordinary jar of clay. So, what we do depending on Jesus as the true source of power, and which does not find its reason in us, is not something we are worthy to claim its glory.

As you can also guess that the work of this new life is always the right thing. So, when faced with the decision of making this choice, the test should be. Can I do this in the name of Jesus Christ? Would this be to His glory? Can I expect His blessing to rest on it? Would I want to be doing it when He comes back again? This test should apply to everything we do, whether in words or actions or thoughts.

In conclusion, Colossians 3:17 beckons believers to a transformative way of life. It is a universal call, applicable to all who have embraced the new life in Christ. This scripture underscores the all-encompassing nature of God’s interest in our lives, from our careers and families to our spiritual walk. To act in the name of Jesus signifies both dependence on His authority and doing everything for His sake and glory. The litmus test for our actions becomes clear: can we do them in His name and to His glory? This principle guides us to a life that aligns with the righteousness of Christ, allowing us to reflect His transformative power. Let us, as believers, heed this call, living every aspect of our lives in the name of the Lord Jesus, to His honour and in anticipation of His return.

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