In the Grip of Grace: Cultivating Strong Spiritual Resilience - Ephesians 6:10 In the Grip of Grace: Cultivating Strong Spiritual Resilience - Ephesians 6:10

In the Grip of Grace: Cultivating Strong Spiritual Resilience

In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [draw your strength from Him and be empowered through your union with Him] and in the power of His [boundless] might.

Ephesians 6:10 AMP

The necessity of strength resonates deeply in our journey of faith. It’s no wonder that Scriptures repeatedly urge us to “be strong.” Christian character is a dual dynamic: the cessation of evil and the cultivation of a righteous life. However, the path of righteousness demands resilience. It would be impossible to live a righteous life without strength. As we navigate life’s brevity, grapple with potent forces of evil, and face the allure of sin, our strength becomes paramount. Without it, our intentions remain idle, wishes dormant, and endeavours fruitless.

The Christian strength is not like the physical that we can get by building muscles. For the Christian warfare is not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12). But we are secure and will be victorious only as we make God’s strength our own. Meanwhile, this is possible only through our union with the Lord Jesus Christ. God can overcome His enemies without our hands. But we cannot even defend ourselves without His arm. Man is impotent without the strength of God.

Be strong in the faith and the grace that is in the Lord Jesus Christ. Hold steadfastly to your convictions, ensuring unwavering belief, and let the clarity of your faith radiate boldly. Remember, a resilient lighthouse faith stands tall amid crashing waves, founded not on shifting sands, but on an unyielding rock. – 1 Corinthians 16:13

Be strong in the assurance of God’s presence with you in your battle against the enemy. With God fighting your battle, you can be assured of total victory. –  Deuteronomy 20:3-4, Haggai 2:4

Be strong in God’s promises, for He never fails. Unlike humans, God is faithful to keep His promises. Therefore, search the scriptures to know His promises concerning you. – Deuteronomy 31:23

Be strong in obedience to His instructions. – Joshua 1:6-7,9

Be strong in the Christian service. Whatever task God has destined for you, do it with all your might. – 1 Chronicles 28:10,20, 2 Chronicles 15:7

Therefore, let us endeavour to come and remain in union with Christ Jesus. Let’s navigate this journey where His strength propels us beyond wishful thinking into impactful action. Every believer must remain connected to the Father through Jesus Christ for survival, otherwise, we would be long dead spiritually without knowing and thus become an easy catch for the enemy.

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