If You Lose Your Saltiness, How Will People Taste Godliness? - Luke 14:34 If You Lose Your Saltiness, How Will People Taste Godliness? - Luke 14:34

If You Lose Your Saltiness, How Will People Taste Godliness?

Salt is good [an excellent thing], but if salt has lost its strength and has become saltless (insipid, flat), how shall its saltness be restored?

Luke 14:34 AMPC

Just a quick reminder, Jesus affirms that you are the salt of the earth. However, it is important to note that it is possible to lose this saltiness, and being the salt of the earth is applicable only during your time on earth. Therefore, it is possible for salt to get to the level where it is not useful for anything. Thinking that you will always maintain this state that Jesus as called you into without maintenance is foolishness. It is a costly assumption. The phrase ‘if salt has lost its strength’ shows the possibility of expiration. The expiration of salt represents the loss of distinctive qualities that Christians should possess.

You cannot – after salvation, continue in sin and think you’ll always be relevant as a child of God. It wouldn’t matter much the manifestation of grace upon you in the past, if you fail to remain in Christ, you will be saltless. Samson was a man God chose for His purpose, even before he was born. God gave him an unusual strength (he was worth his salt). But he got to a point where he lost everything; his saltiness became flat. He could not fully accomplish God’s purpose for his life because he didn’t take heed to attending to his strength- Judges 16: 19-20.

Likewise, it is possible to lose your salvation. You can also lose your relevance as a child of God. If you don’t walk and work towards making use of your strength correctly, you will get to a point where you cannot do this anymore.

I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work.

John 9:4 NKJV

Furthermore, as excellent and tasty as you may be as salt, it is never permanent. You will not always be the salt of the earth, whether you like it or not. Your saltiness is your strength, so when a man is drained of his strength, what else can he do. Of what usefulness is he, even to himself? It is while you on earth that you can be the salt of the earth. There is an ‘expiration’ for your saltiness, for there is no repentance nor salvation either in heaven or hell.

“Salt is good for seasoning. But if salt were to lose its flavor, how could it ever be restored? It will never be useful again, not even fit for the soil or the manure pile! If you have ears opened by the Spirit, then hear the meaning of what I have said and apply it to yourselves.”

Luke‬ ‭14‬:‭34‬-‭35‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Therefore, it is better to do everything in your capacity now. Give your life to Jesus now, and walk in purpose now. Put your strength into the things of God now. It is not just at the end of everything that a person can lose his saltiness. Even here and now, you can lose what God has deposited inside you. So, maintaining your saltiness now guarantees a reward for releasing God flavours.

Dear Salt, how are you going to become (more) useful before your ‘expiration’? The world desperately needs your preserving and purifying influence.

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