Hopeless is Not God's Conclusion: Trust God Even in Dry Times - Ezekiel 37:3 Hopeless is Not God's Conclusion: Trust God Even in Dry Times - Ezekiel 37:3

Hopeless is Not God’s Conclusion: Trust God Even in Dry Times

He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.”

Ezekiel 37:3 NIV

At times, we find ourselves in situations that seem hopeless. Everything appears lifeless, and we see no possibility of revival. We often conclude that it’s the end, failing to consider God’s perspective on the situation.

Ezekiel found himself in a similar situation. The Lord led him to a valley filled with bones. Upon observing the bones, Ezekiel concluded that they were very dry. However, when the Lord asked, “Can these bones live?” Ezekiel’s response teaches us a crucial lesson. He replied, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.”

In essence, Ezekiel was saying, “To me, these bones are dry and lifeless. I wouldn’t have thought that anything significant could come from them. But I don’t have the final say. What appears dry to me might not be to you. Therefore, I won’t let my limited knowledge and sight cloud your great and mighty power. As for this question, you have the final say. If you say the bones can live, I believe they will. If you say they cannot, I trust your judgment.”

This attitude is what God expects from us in every situation we face. We often let others’ opinions shape our mindset about ourselves, which then influences how we perceive ourselves and the things we say. But have you taken the time to consider what God has to say about your situation? Whose report are you believing? What is your conclusion about your experiences? Are you surrendering to God, letting Him have His way in your circumstances, or are you planning on seeking solutions your way?

God sees those things that appear very dry in your eyes as ingredients for glory. Do you take time to allow God to speak into your situation? Eventually, God spoke life through Ezekiel, and the dry bones came back to life. It’s important to note the words that brought the dry bones to life. Ezekiel said, “Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.” So, when you face your situation, whose word do you bring to it? Who decreed the words that you have professed concerning your situation?

Ezekiel spoke the word of the Lord, and the dry bones came back to life. If he had spoken as he saw things, the dry bones would have remained dry. So, imagine the Lord coming to you today, asking you about your circumstances that seem hopeless. If God asks, “Can these bones live?” How would you respond?

In conclusion, Ezekiel’s story teaches us the importance of trusting in God’s power and wisdom, even in seemingly hopeless situations. It reminds us to consider God’s perspective and to speak His words in our circumstances. By doing so, we open the door for God’s miraculous work in our lives, transforming what appears dry and lifeless into a testament to His glory.

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