Guard the Truth: Protecting God's Word in a Distracted World - 1 Timothy 6:20 Guard the Truth: Protecting God's Word in a Distracted World - 1 Timothy 6:20

Guard the Truth: Protecting God’s Word in a Distracted World

O Timothy, guard and keep safe the deposit [of godly truth] entrusted to you, turn away from worldly and godless chatter [with its profane, empty words], and the contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge”

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6‬:‭20‬ ‭AMP‬‬

As Paul concluded his letter in 1 Timothy chapter 6, he gave Timothy a vital instruction. This instruction also extends to all believers to heed today. It is the call to guard and preserve the deposit of godly truth entrusted to us. This instruction was critical for Timothy in his time, and it is even more crucial for us now, considering the state of our world.

Imagine the circumstances that led Paul to give Timothy such a directive. Even in those days, the challenge of holding on to the truth was immense. If Paul emphasised this so strongly to Timothy, how much more should we, in our present time, pay careful attention and obey this command?

Note that Paul was not referring to material wealth or possessions, although these can have their own value. His concern was far greater—he urged Timothy to guard something much more precious: the truth of God’s Word. This truth, entrusted to Timothy and, by extension, to all believers, is of the utmost importance. It is the divine truth that God has revealed, which we must safeguard with diligence and care.

Today, many people have fabricated and redefined what they call “truth.” However, the truth worth guarding is the one that God Himself deposited in us. The truth found in the Scriptures, the truth of the Gospel, the truth of Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross, His resurrection, and the gift of righteousness by faith in Jesus. This divine truth, revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, must be carefully preserved.

Furthermore, Paul instructs Timothy to turn away from worldly and godless chatter with its profane, empty words. We must distance ourselves from those who engage in meaningless talk, those who distort the truth, and those who have shifted their focus away from the Gospel. Such individuals often treat the Word of God with contempt. They use it for personal gain rather than for the spiritual growth of God’s people. We must avoid uniting with such activities and steer clear of teachings that contradict the Gospel.

It is essential that we do not allow ourselves to be drawn away by such empty discussions, which some falsely call “knowledge.” These so-called “messages” are not genuine; they do not originate from God. Their proponents may claim enlightenment, but they neglect the true message of the cross. Today, we see this distortion even in some pulpits, where the focus has shifted from preaching God’s Word to entertainment and superficial displays.

Paul’s words to Timothy are a timeless reminder for us: guard the truth that God has entrusted to you. Do not compromise it for worldly gain. Do not exchange it for fleeting pleasures, as Esau did with his birthright. Hold on to this truth, even if you find yourself standing alone, facing opposition and ridicule.

Protect what God has entrusted to you with all due diligence. Do not let it slip away under pressure. Keep it safe until the very end, for those who fail to guard this deposit will ultimately depart from the faith.

Grace be with us all. Amen.

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