God's Ways vs. God's Acts: A Call to Discipleship - Psalm 103:7 God's Ways vs. God's Acts: A Call to Discipleship - Psalm 103:7

God’s Ways vs. God’s Acts: A Call to Discipleship

He made known his ways unto Moses, His acts unto the children of Israel.

Psalm 103:7 KJV

All that we have considered in Mark 1 shows us the ways of Our Lord Jesus Christ. From the message to the messenger to the good news of the gospel and other aspects we have studied. Albeit, God is sovereign but He would not force His ways on anyone. He has carefully shown us from our series the pattern of the kingdom. However, if we decide to ignore these teachings, we might only know His acts and not His ways. God’s ways are the best to tread. His patterns are guaranteed to lead us to an expected end.

However, it is possible to be like the children of Israel who told Moses to be the one to interact with God. They shied away from having a personal intimacy with Him. It was as if God should just show them the things He could do and not who He was. They loved the manna but did not understand the Holiness of God. The children of Israel did not fully live their calling like their father, Abraham. Abraham followed after God and not the goodies. Are we like Abraham and Moses or we are like the children of Israel?

Furthermore, have we decided to answer the call to become mountain-climbing followers and not just miracle seekers? Will you leave the company of the crowd to diligently follow after Jesus? His acts are spectacular but His ways are life. There is much more to the kingdom of God than meat and drink. It is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. It is intimacy and intricate followership.

Moreover, God wants to show you His ways. It is in God’s ways that you gain clarity. That is where you find yourself because He is His way. He is holy, righteous, compassionate, etc. It is in fellowship that you gain insight into His ways. As you know Him, you know His ways. How far you come along with Him determines whether you will know His ways or His acts. His acts are all over for everyone to see but His ways are mysteries of the kingdom for you to search out.

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