God’s Strength: Overcoming Every Obstacle with His Help

God's Strength: Overcoming Every Obstacle with His Help - Psalms 18:29

With your help I can defeat an army. If my God is with me, I can climb over enemy walls.

Psalms 18:29 ERV

I have come this far solely through God’s strength, and the only way forward is through His continued support. There is no alternative breakthrough or lasting triumph. Without God’s strength for victory, success becomes impossible. God must remain my strength if I am to experience any true victory over the enemy.

The phrase “I can” in this scripture emphasises possibility. It suggests that victory is attainable only with God’s help. Without His divine intervention, success and victory would be impossible. Any attempt to reverse this truth would result in futility.

Any ‘victory’ or ‘success’ achieved in life, without victory over sin and self—the victory that transfers us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light—is incomplete. This transformation changes our identity from being enemies of God to becoming His children and co-heirs with Christ, offering us the hope of eternal life. Without this spiritual victory, a person remains lost. As the Bible asks, “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?”

After this initial victory, we must recognise that the enemy does not give up. He will continuously attempt to pull us down. Yet, with God as our strength, we can overcome every obstacle.

It’s crucial to understand that while God’s strength is available to every believer, victory is not automatic. Help offered but not accepted is useless to the one who rejects it. In the same way, God is available to all, but only those who diligently seek Him and maintain a relationship with Him will experience the power of His help.

The second part of the verse says, “If my God is with me, I can climb over enemy walls.” This highlights the necessity of God’s presence in overcoming barriers. However, only those who ask for and follow God’s instructions will truly succeed in climbing over those walls.

Furthermore, the importance of a personal relationship with God cannot be overstated. It is “If my God…”—a personal connection. It’s not enough to rely on others’ relationships with God. Unless God is your God, these promises remain unattainable, distant like a mirage.

In conclusion, real victory—both in life and over sin—can only be found in God. With God’s strength, we can overcome every obstacle the enemy sets before us. However, this strength is only available to those who cultivate a personal relationship with God. It’s not enough to know about Him; He must be your God. When we make Him our strength, victory is not only possible but assured.

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