From Withered to Whole: The Blessing of an Expectant Heart - Mark 3:5 From Withered to Whole: The Blessing of an Expectant Heart - Mark 3:5

From Withered to Whole: The Blessing of an Expectant Heart

He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored.

Mark 3:5 NIV

The Gospel of Mark tells a powerful story in Chapter 3, verse 5. Here, Jesus encounters a man with a withered hand and an expectant heart and the Pharisees, who arrive looking for an accusation. Jesus, filled with righteous anger at the Pharisees’ hardened hearts, heals the man. This passage highlights a crucial truth: our approach to God, not His ability, determines what we receive.

Earlier, we discussed the danger of approaching God with the wrong expectations, exemplified by the Pharisees who sought to trap Jesus. However, their intentions didn’t hinder God’s plan. God’s purpose is unstoppable, and His provision is limitless.

While the Pharisees approached Jesus with malicious intent, the man with the withered hand came expecting healing. Notice how Jesus responds differently to each. The key takeaway lies in the contrasting hearts of the Pharisees and the man with the withered hand. The Pharisees, filled with a longing for accusation, received exactly that – an opportunity to confirm their negativity. But the man, with an expectant heart, received healing.

Like a spring that never runs dry, God’s love and power are boundless. Likewise, His provision is limitless, and His purpose cannot be thwarted by our motives. Meanwhile, this doesn’t mean God approves of our intentions, as seen in His anger towards the Pharisees. Jesus’ anger towards the Pharisees stemmed from their closed hearts, while the man’s openness invited God’s mercy.

Here’s the challenge: examine your own heart. What expectations do you bring to God? Do you seek a solution, a relationship, or both? Remember, “you will get what you look for”.

Jesus’ contrasting responses offer a valuable lesson. We are encouraged to approach God with open hearts, expecting solutions and a deeper relationship. He is the ever-flowing spring, ready to meet the needs of those who seek Him.

Just like the man with the withered hand, who received healing with an expectant heart, we too can experience God’s power. No matter your situation, God’s power is more than enough. Approach Him with an expectant heart, seeking both solutions and a deeper connection. Jesus extends an open invitation: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

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