Foxes in the Vineyard: Preserving Your Spiritual Destiny - Song of Solomon 2:15 Foxes in the Vineyard: Preserving Your Spiritual Destiny - Song of Solomon 2:15

Foxes in the Vineyard: Preserving Your Spiritual Destiny

Catch us the foxes, The little foxes that spoil the vines, For our vines have tender grapes.

Song of Solomon 2:15 NKJV

A tended vineyard produces usable fruits. If a vineyard or garden is dormant, it does not cater to men’s needs and cannot bring fulfilment to anyone. However, when a vineyard is in use but is not well tended to, foxes will come and spoil the grapes.

The life of a believer is a vineyard that should produce fruits for the glory of God. However, if such life is not tended to, foxes will come in to destroy it, and they can be anything. They can be character traits that add a dent to our walk with God. These foxes can be people we follow on social media. They can be people or things. We need to catch the foxes. That sin, catch it! That habit that is not of God, catch it!

Note that you cannot afford to be complacent about these things. The consequences are steep. They can destroy your vineyard, ruin your destiny, and destroy your eternity. It is possible to miss heaven if you do not catch these foxes.

Judas Iscariot did not care to remove foxes in his life. Even though he was following Jesus, he did not allow the Word of God to tend to his life. He followed with the other apostles, but he ended his life tragically because of these foxes. He did not destroy them before they destroyed him.

Are you going to be like Judas, who followed but to doom? Or are you going to be like Peter who cried “Lord, save me? Do a work of pruning in my life. Remove whatever is in me that is not of you”. Will you not reflect and cry out in prayer? Submit yourself for spiritual surgery and cleansing. Allow God to remove these foxes so that your vineyard will flourish.

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