Foundation of Wisdom: Hearing and Obeying God's Words - Matthew 7:24 Foundation of Wisdom: Hearing and Obeying God's Words - Matthew 7:24

Foundation of Wisdom: Hearing and Obeying God’s Words

So everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts upon them [obeying them] will be like a sensible (prudent, practical, wise) man who built his house upon the rock.

Matthew 7:24 AMPC

In a world where obedience and the acceptance of correction vary, anyone can choose a path of total obedience. A very important issue I would like to point out is the choice of free will. While anyone may choose to be stiff-necked, it is also possible to choose otherwise. We all have to choose whether we will live a life of total and perfect obedience or not. In other words, we choose between wisdom and foolishness. However, it is important to note that we are all building for eternity. The Lord Jesus illustrated this in Matthew 7:24-27. We shall focus on the illustration describing the man building correctly today.

We can see that such a man gives audience to God’s words. Unlike the others, he is not being complacent at just accumulating head knowledge. Though the other who is being stiff-necked may also be regular at church meetings – ever listening but never transformed by the words, but we can see it is not enough to just hear, we must act upon the words – we must obey the instructions.

True wisdom is in total obedience to God’s word. Such wisdom that is able to help us stand the test of time; such that can preserve our lives in the days of tribulations and keep our anchors firm and strong in the time of storm.

Jesus then said, ‘Some people listen to my message and they obey it. Those people are like a wise man who built his house on rock. Then a storm came with a lot of rain and wind. The rivers rose up high. Strong winds blew hard against that house. But the house did not fall down because the man had built it on rock.

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭24‬-‭25‬ ‭EASY‬‬

Meanwhile, it is important to note the decision to obey is within each individual’s reach. That is what makes the difference between the stiff-necked and the obedient or the wise builder. It transcends gender, age, and religious background. Everyone has the opportunity to hear and respond obediently. By choosing obedience, we align with God’s will and experience wisdom, resilience, and lasting significance.

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