Forget Fake Riches, Choose Real Wealth: Buy from God Today!  - Revelation 3:18 Forget Fake Riches, Choose Real Wealth: Buy from God Today!  - Revelation 3:18

Forget Fake Riches, Choose Real Wealth: Buy from God Today! 

“Here’s what I want you to do: Buy your gold from me, gold that’s been through the refiner’s fire. Then you’ll be rich. Buy your clothes from me, clothes designed in Heaven. You’ve gone around half-naked long enough. And buy medicine for your eyes from me so you can see, really see.

Revelation 3:18 MSG

In a world filled with material pursuits, the call to acquire enduring treasures challenges us to prioritize spiritual wealth over fleeting possessions. After a survey into the world, God offers a solution to everyday matters: Buy! There is no need to bargain with the enemy. Whatever you are looking for can and will be found in God. It is almost as if God is saying, ‘Instead of wasting your money since you want to buy, come and buy from Me’.

Moreover, everything that you need for life and godliness can be found in God. There is no point in subjecting yourself to nakedness and peril. Do not give yourself to sickness and lack. Come and buy medicine. And thanks be to God because Jesus has paid the price. There is no need for you to run helter-skelter. How much do you think the things of heaven are worth? But Jesus has paid the full price. The only currency you can bring is your willingness and obedience to God’s instructions. The enemy cannot give you anything that will cover you up.

So, in pursuing true riches, consciously choose a life that transcends the temporary allure of worldly pleasures. Embrace spiritual wealth by submitting totally to God. Also, spiritual sensitivity and vision can only occur when a man has completely turned away from trading with the enemy.

Because Judas continued to bargain with the devil by living in sin, he could not enjoy the wealth that was freely given to him in Christ Jesus. He ignored the invitation to come and enjoy spiritual wealth and eventually ended in damnation. What will your case be? Don’t turn away from the prompting of the Holy Spirit. You have wandered around long enough. Come unto Jesus today! And experience spiritual wealth.

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