Fit for the Throne: God's Plan in Transforming Ordinary Men - 2 Corinthians 4:7 Fit for the Throne: God's Plan in Transforming Ordinary Men - 2 Corinthians 4:7

Fit for the Throne: God’s Plan in Transforming Ordinary Men

We have this treasure from God, but we are only like clay jars that hold the treasure. This is to show that the amazing power we have is from God, not from us.

2 Corinthians 4:7 ERV

God seeks ordinary men and women, not angels. Consider “David, son of Jesse,” an ordinary person just like you and me, not an angel from heaven. God desires someone who acknowledges their own insignificance. He seeks an empty vessel, an ordinary clay jar into which He can pour His abundance. 2 Corinthians 4:7 reminds us that every useful vessel in God’s hand are like clay jars holding a treasure from God.

Furthermore, God seeks someone willing to allow Him to mould them perfectly for His purpose. Often, He prepares a “throne” for the person He chooses. However, God doesn’t instantly find someone who perfectly fits that throne; He requires a transformation process. An ordinary person must undergo a shaping process to become fit for the throne.

David, although an ordinary man when God chose him, did not stay that way; he transformed into a king. It’s essential to note that he did not ascend to the throne on the day of his anointing. He had to endure years of preparation, around 15 years, from his anointing to his enthronement. This wasn’t a delay; it was a necessary preparation. Indeed, not many people would be able to endure such a long time time of making.

As an ordinary man, David could only defeat a bear or a lion. However, with more of God in and through him, he defeated Goliath with a sling and a stone. Yet, God had more significant battles in mind, where he would face nations joining forces against him. David had limitations with only his bare hands, a sling, and a stone. Meanwhile, God’s purpose required him to wield swords and other weapons.

Therefore, God seeks individuals who, once chosen, will patiently endure the necessary shaping process. He seeks those who will willingly surrender their lives to the refining fire. Those who undergo the transforming fire to eliminate every impurity, emerging as pure, bright, and shining gold.

Whenever a clay pot he was working on was ruined, he would rework it into a new clay pot the way he wanted to make it. The Lord spoke his word to me. The Lord asked, “Nation of Israel, can’t I do with you as this potter does with clay? Nation of Israel, you are like the clay in the potter’s hands.

Jeremiah 18:4-6 GW

God, like a potter moulding clay, can shape and reshape us until we perfectly align with His divine purpose. Are you willing to be moulded by the divine Potter into a vessel unto honour?

In conclusion, God is in the business of transforming ordinary lives into vessels of extraordinary purpose. Choosing you is just the start of your journey with God, one where you’ll need patience and a readiness to embrace His transformative process. Like clay in the hands of a potter, God can shape us into vessels of His purpose, but we must yield ourselves to His hands and trust in His plan.

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