Finding Strength and Courage: Come to God for Help - Psalm 34:4-5 Finding Strength and Courage: Come to God for Help - Psalm 34:4-5

Finding Strength and Courage: Come to God for Help

I went to the LORD for help, and he listened. He saved me from all that I fear. If you look to him for help, he will put a smile on your face. You will have no need to be ashamed.

Psalm 34:4-5 ERV

There will always be a need

This is a truth that cannot be over-emphasized – you will always have need for help. There is a Yoruba proverb that says: “Nobody has the horses’ horn”. Though our needs may be different, but it is the reality of everyone. Nobody has it all. David, in this verse had need for salvation from many things that he was afraid of. He realized that there is a void in him that must be filled. Therefore, I would like to encourage you not to think that things are not working out for only you because of your needs. As you have needs, so does everyone else.

There is only one source for true help

David, in this Psalm, praised God and described his experience and the reason for this praise. David, like everyone else, had needs that were beyond his strength. But, unlike most people would do today, he did not run to a man in search of help. However, he looked beyond himself and beyond ordinary men like him. He knew that what he needed can only come from God. He longed and sought the Lord in the secret place and his testimony is before us today. “Here, we have his testimony that the Lord listened and saved him. “I went to the LORD for help, and he listened. He saved me from all that I fear.”

It is surprising how many time, as believers, we forget quite too often who we really are. We forget that we belong to God; that we have a Father who cares for us. How unfortunate to see an heir behaving like a slave. Sons and daughters, though we are, yet we act like those under the rule of sin. We run from pillar to post looking for help where there’s none.

Come to the Lord for help

Meanwhile, the Father is waiting for us to come to Him but we are lost in the world. The man, David did not forget what is required of him. He knew when he ought to go in search of true help and without hesitation he went. He always sought the help that God has prepared for him. Impressively, this character didn’t change even though he had such a formidable army that terrified the neighbouring nations. “I went to the Lord for help”, such is the statement of a man who trusts the abilities of God. He did not delay his salvation by procrastination. God is able to help you, but you must come unto Him first.

A slave looks to his master to provide what he needs, and a servant girl depends on the woman she serves. So we depend on the Lord our God, waiting for him to have mercy on us.

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭123‬:‭2‬ ‭ERV‬‬

Unless Jesus become your Lord and Saviour, you cannot depend on Him for anything. Not because He is not dependable but because you do not have the right. You do not work for a boss and expect another to pay your salary. So also, you must come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ to enjoy this great provision. You must acknowledge God as the ultimate solution to every one of your challenges. You should learn to always turn to Him for help.

Taste and see that the Lord is good. This is the testimony of David to every one of us today. We can be sure that God is able to help us. But, we must look to Him for help. If you also would take this step of faith today and always, seek God in your time of need, He will answer you. He would put a smile on your face and you will not be ashamed of trusting in Him.

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