Faithful in Grace: Continuing Transformation from God's Favour - Psalm 78:70-72 Faithful in Grace: Continuing Transformation from God's Favour - Psalm 78:70-72

Faithful in Grace: Continuing Transformation from God’s Favour

He chose David to be his special servant. He took him from the sheep pens. He took him away from the job of caring for sheep and gave him the job of caring for the descendants of Jacob—Israel, his chosen people. And David led them with a pure heart and guided them very wisely.

Psalm 78:70-72 ERV

Such is the exploit that grace can bring about in the life a man that is faithful. Consider the kind of transformation that David experienced because of the Favour of God upon his life. He transitioned from shepherding sheep to assuming the role of a king. A nation was committed into his hands so that he could care for them. It could have only been by grace, otherwise, how can the resume of a shepherd qualify for the role of a king?

Albeit, it becomes obvious as we search the scriptures further, that David had the heart for the office of the king God assigned him. He was faithful in the little office of a shepherd on his father’s farm. He had developed the capacity in his inner man for a greater responsibility. Therefore, it was evident when he became king; “David led them with a pure heart and guided them very wisely.”

He led with a pure heart. A pure heart in the sight of God and not based on human judgement. He guided them very wisely; he took care of them with unselfish devotion and with integrity. “…and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands” (NKJV). The skillfulness of a shepherd guiding his flocks lest any of them fall off the cliff or become prey to the devourer. Likewise, he had a great passion for the things of God. Remember the passage from whence we took our bearing. “David found Favour with God and asked for the privilege of building a permanent Temple for the God of Jacob.” (Acts 7:46 NLT)

LORD, remember how David suffered. He made a promise to you, LORD, an oath to the Mighty God of Jacob. He said, ‘I will not go into my house or lie down on my bed. I will not sleep or let my eyes rest, until I find a home for the LORD, a tent for the Mighty God of Jacob!’

Psalm 132:1-5 ERV

So, how faithful are you in the office that God’s grace has brought you? Have you not made a business out of the divine destiny you have been found to accomplish? The Lord Jesus says, in John 4:34: “My food is to do what the One who sent me wants me to do. My food is to finish the work that He gave me to do.” Has something else not taken the place of your ‘food’? Are you not busy chasing riches and fame, while the grace of God upon your life is wasting away? Thou man of God – chosen by grace, what are you doing with the grace of God upon your life?

The reason the grace of God upon the life of David remained is because he remained faithful. Even when his assignment was not significant, he stayed with God. When he was in the wilderness, his heart yearned for God. So, when God searched for a king, he chose David because his heart was right. Is your heart right with God? Will you remain faithful after your elevation and transformation? Will God see faithfulness in you even in your ‘shepherding’ period?

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