Embracing Stillness: Trusting in the Mighty Warrior for Victory - Exodus 14:14 Embracing Stillness: Trusting in the Mighty Warrior for Victory - Exodus 14:14

Embracing Stillness: Trusting in the Mighty Warrior for Victory

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.

Exodus 14:14 NIV

Yesterday, we saw how the Mighty Warrior, God, has decided to be with us. But now we can see that He won’t just be with us. He will fight for us. This promise goes beyond companionship; it moves into victory. Battles and challenges arise and will continue to arise, but we can see that the promise of the Lord is that He will fight. Divine intervention is assured, but there is a condition: be still. Stillness seems absurd in the face of battle, but God is saying that is what I want you to do.

Today, we underestimate stillness. But in the Exodus of the Israelites, God demanded stillness. God’s assurance is simple: He is our defender, our champion. The only thing we need to do is to surrender. In struggles, the invitation to “be still” may seem counterintuitive, but it is in this stillness that our faith deepens. It is in this stillness that we see God show up to fight for us.

In Exodus 14, we see the children of Israel come out of Egypt after a long time of slavery. But Pharaoh’s heart became stubborn; he pursued them. In this situation, the Israelites were in the middle of Egypt’s army and the Red Sea. Naturally, fear came on them, and they cried out. They were so terrified that they longed for the time they were in bondage, but the word of the Lord came to them through Moses, be still. Obeying this instruction, they witnessed God’s manifestation, and He delivered them from the grip of their enemies.

Being still is not passive; it’s an active surrender, a conscious choice to relinquish control and embrace the divine order. The command of stillness reveals that you are not alone. Being still requires humility — a recognition that, despite our capabilities, we ultimately depend on the One who holds the universe. God’s promise is not a guarantee of a trouble-free life but an affirmation that we can navigate any storm that comes our way with Him.

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