Eloquence Beyond Words: God's Script for Your Speech - Exodus 4:12 NIV Eloquence Beyond Words: God's Script for Your Speech - Exodus 4:12 NIV

Eloquence Beyond Words: God’s Script for Your Speech

Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.

Exodus 4:12 NIV

Humanly speaking, I would probably expect that God’s answer to Moses would have been to heal him of his slow speech and make him an eloquent speaker. However, God’s response is a testament to His measureless mercies and overflowing love. God was going to help him speak and also teach him what to say. He will put words in his mouth and help him pronounce eloquently. How many men of eloquence are out there speaking words of their own wisdom? How many are waiting on the Lord to fill their mouth with words? If you would allow God to have His way with you, He will do infinitely beyond what you can ask or imagine.

God desires that you open your mouth and He will fill it. He will fill it with His kind of words. What will proceed from your mouth will not be what you feel or want but what He wants will be what you say. God has an interest in all areas of your life, especially as a person He wants to send to the world. To adequately deliver on God’s assignment you cannot go out there and say your own. In this kingdom, words matter; they are not just words but life.

Will you allow the Lord to work on your speech? Will you allow Him to work with what you have since He is the sovereign creator? The Lord wants to send you to places, and you need not worry about what to say. He will fill your mouth if you allow Him. As you deal with people every day, accept God’s call and give up control of your speech. In this surrender, you find not less expression but a true eloquence that comes from God’s heart.

May we, be people who talk not just from what we know but as instruments through which God’s wisdom flows. In this partnership, our words witness the incredible grace of God who loves shaping how we talk for His big plan. In the end, the words we use matter, not just for now but forever.

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