Discernment for the Day: Reflecting Jesus at Every Opportunity - Acts 3:1-5 Discernment for the Day: Reflecting Jesus at Every Opportunity - Acts 3:1-5

Discernment for the Day: Reflecting Jesus at Every Opportunity

One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon. Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.

Acts 3:1-5 NIV

The story of the crippled man healed at the Beautiful Gate in Acts 3 is incredibly profound. This miracle holds timeless truths for us today, revealing how God can transform our lives when we seize the gems within the scriptures. Let’s explore its details to understand what it teaches us about discernment, purpose, and presence.

Firstly, Peter and John regularly went to the temple to pray, as did others in their community. Likewise, the crippled man was frequently carried to the gate, where he sought alms. His presence at the gate that day was not his first or even the first time Peter and John would go to the temple. However, on this day, something changed. God orchestrated an encounter that would alter his life forever. This reminds us never to consider any day as insignificant; each moment can be divinely arranged to bring a change.

When we step outside, we should remember that God can use any day to shift our lives or someone else’s. Embracing discernment helps us notice when God is moving in our day, guiding us to be in tune with His purpose. Like Peter and John, we must be willing to listen and see beyond surface requests to understand a deeper need.

When the crippled man asked for money, Peter and John didn’t just hear him and move along. Instead, they looked directly at him and urged him, saying, “Look at us!” This statement carries a significant weight. As believers, our lives invite people to look at us, to see the hope we carry. However, we must always be sure we have something meaningful to offer.

The man expected money, but Peter had something far greater to share: Jesus. When people look at us, they should encounter Christ. Whether on social media or in person, let’s ensure they experience love, kindness, and transformation—qualities that reflect Jesus. Our goal should be to reveal Christ, not just ourselves or our resources.

This powerful story urges us to step into each day with intention, giving others what matters most—Jesus. Let us carry His presence so that when people meet us, they encounter hope, joy, and redemption. So, when people look at you, what will they see? Will they see Jesus?

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