Consequences of Failing to Manifest as Sons of God - Matthew 6:10 Consequences of Failing to Manifest as Sons of God - Matthew 6:10

Consequences of Failing to Manifest as Sons of God

Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:10 KJV

The failure of a believer to manifest his sonship identity in Christ today would result not only in sorrows but also in regrets. It is a dangerous adventure for the sons of God not to manifest the glory of Jesus in this end time. There are consequences when the sons of God refuse to manifest Jesus. Let us look at some of these consequences.

Firstly, the world suffers the consequences. When believers fail to manifest their identity in Christ, the wicked one will confine the whole world under his power. There would be the continuous reign of satanic forces, sin and unrighteousness on the people of the world. Wickedness will rise, and injustice of every kind will thrive. That means increased satanic activities will steal, kill, and destroy the destinies of men. Many will find their way to hell in their countless number if the sons of God refuse to arise. Will you not receive the mind of Christ? The kind of mind that would weep for this generation. The mind that will travail until the kingdom of God is established.

Another is that the Church suffers the consequences. Failure to manifest your sonship identity could affect the church adversely because there is a place every single believer is meant to occupy. It also means you cannot be a beacon of righteousness even in the church. The specific area you are supposed to occupy will become vacant. By this, the enemy can creep in through your open space. A hymn says, “I’ll do as He bids me whatever the cost, I’ll be a true soldier, I’ll die at my post”. Are you at your post, even in the body? Are you a true soldier of Christ?

Furthermore, God’s Kingdom suffers the consequences. When the believer behaves indifferently to God’s clarion call to sonship manifestation, the kingdom of God will not come among men as it was meant to be. Men will not come to the understanding and reverence of the kingdom of God if we don’t manifest Jesus. Others will not be able to give their lives to Jesus if we fail to manifest our sonship identity.

Lastly, you suffer the consequences. We are living in desperate times. You cannot afford to be sitting on the fence. It will cost you if you don’t manifest your sonship identity. There would be no reward for you in heaven. The enemy will find it easy to torment you. You will not manifest the gospel of Jesus. You could become a source of mockery to the name of Christ.

These are some of the costly dangers of failure to manifest your sonship identity. Above all, you may pay a costly price even in eternity. Will you remain indifferent till you come to a point of regret and sorrow? Jesus keeps praying and yearning that God’s kingdom comes. What will you do? Will you bring dangers to the agenda of God or arise as a valiant soldier? Look at all these consequences and make a decision to arise. Arise today to your sonship identity.

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