Compassion Beyond Protocol: Ministering the Jesus Way - Mark 1:41 Compassion Beyond Protocol: Ministering the Jesus Way - Mark 1:41

Compassion Beyond Protocol: Ministering the Jesus Way

A man with leprosy came and knelt in front of Jesus, begging to be healed. “If you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean,” he said. Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” Instantly the leprosy disappeared, and the man was healed.

Mark 1:40-42 NLT

Another exemplary thing about the life of Jesus is compassion. The man in this passage came to Jesus, recognising that Jesus had the capacity to deliver him from his infirmity. This man had leprosy, although we do not know for how many years. Leprosy required anyone afflicted with it to stay outside of the community. This means the man was not part of the crowd that followed Jesus. However, he heard about Jesus, likely through word of mouth, and thus he came begging for healing.

Customs and policy required lepers to remain isolated from others. Despite this, Jesus felt compassion. The ministry of Jesus did not depend on what men thought; rather, He acted based on the leading of the Holy Spirit and responded to this man’s plea with compassion.

When the man approached Jesus, he said, “If you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean.” From this, we learn the importance of recognising that only Jesus has the capacity to deliver us from whatever afflicts us. Furthermore, Jesus’ response to this man’s plea demonstrates His willingness and compassion. Jesus replied, “I am willing; to be healed.” This clearly shows that Jesus always wants to deliver those who come to Him, for compassion is His default setting.

Jesus wants to deliver to everyone who comes to Him. His response, “I am willing; be healed,” signifies that He cares deeply for us and seeks to set us free from all unrighteousness, from the bondage of sin, from the clutches of death, and from the grip of sickness. Jesus healed that man, demonstrating that His power does not depend on protocol or societal norms. The compassion of Jesus moves Him to act.

In conclusion, we see that Jesus is ever ready to deliver us from our infirmities, and His compassion knows no bounds. Just as He healed the leper, He is willing and able to heal and deliver us today. Let us, therefore, approach Him with faith, knowing that He is both able and willing to make us whole. In addition, let us know that as believers, He expects us to deliver the message in like manner. See people the way Jesus will see them and be willing to help them.

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