Commissioned for Assignment: The Need for Divine Empowerment - Exodus 4:21 Commissioned for Assignment: The Need for Divine Empowerment - Exodus 4:21

Commissioned for Assignment: The Need for Divine Empowerment

The Lord said to Moses, “When you return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have given you the power to do. But I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go.“

Exodus 4:21 NIV

How could Moses have embarked on that mission to rescue the Israelites from their slavery in Egypt if He was not commissioned? If he had remained the ‘son of Pharaoh’s daughter’, he may have had the courage to challenge the slave drivers. But he refused to be known as such (Hebrews 11:24). In fact, he had to abscond Egypt for the fear of Pharaoh after his secret about the Egyptian he killed became known to the people (Exodus 2:11-15).

So, Moses, in himself, has no boldness to appear before the new Pharaoh to demand for the Israelites’ release. But thank God, he was not going by himself. Indeed, it was not a responsibility he thought himself qualified for. However, the grace that chose him is greater than he. God commissioned and equipped him for the ministry He entrusted into his hands. It is important to note that Moses had to be empowered by God before he could ever perform any miracle.

If I may ask you, “Are you waiting on God for His commissioning and empowering?” Have you ever been commissioned for this journey, or is it only a matter of “my passion”? Perhaps you’ve been commissioned, how about divine empowerment? True success on this journey is impossible without divine empowerment. How far would Moses have gone without God’s power available to him?

Likewise, how long can you go unless you’re divinely equipped for this responsibility? The journey requires more than human strength and determination; it demands the supernatural grace and guidance that only God can provide. If you are not divinely empowered, there is no way you will walk in line with the counsel of God. Albeit, this empowerment is preceded by a commissioning. You must be commissioned to do God’s assignment. You cannot go unless you are sent.

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