Becoming the "Blessed": Jesus' Simple Guide to Living God's Word - Luke 11:28 Becoming the "Blessed": Jesus' Simple Guide to Living God's Word - Luke 11:28

Becoming the “Blessed”: Jesus’ Simple Guide to Living God’s Word

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

Luke 11:28 NIV

As Jesus concluded His response the accusation of the teachers of the Law, a woman in the crowd exclaims, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and the breasts that nursed you!” (Luke 11:27) While Jesus acknowledges the wonder of His birth and upbringing, He redirects the focus. Likewise, He acknowledges the significance of his mother, yet emphasises a greater truth.

Jesus’ reply unveils a crucial lesson for us all. He emphasizes that true blessedness lies not simply in acknowledging His divinity or appreciating religious knowledge. The real blessing comes from actively hearing and obeying God’s word.

This is a powerful reminder for all who encounter God’s word. It’s fantastic to have access to scripture, whether in physical books, digital devices, or even through sermons. However, simply possessing or passively consuming God’s word doesn’t guarantee blessings. Jesus emphasizes the importance of action. It is not the one who hears the words of God who is blessed, but the one who obeys them.

The key lies in living the word. Blessed are those who take God’s instructions to heart and translate them into action. It’s the difference between archiving information and actively embodying it.

There’s no blessing in merely knowing God’s word; the true blessing comes from applying it. Psalm 1:3 beautifully illustrates this: “They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in season and whose leaves do not wither. Whatever they do prospers.”

Just like a tree flourishes when nourished by water, those who actively obey God’s word experience a life of blessing and prosperity.

In conclusion, let’s move beyond simply hearing God’s word. Let’s embrace a life of obedience, transforming knowledge into action. By actively living out God’s teachings, we unlock the true blessings He offers and become the “obedient child” He desires.

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