Be Distinct: God's Timeless Call to His Children - Ezra 9:1 Be Distinct: God's Timeless Call to His Children - Ezra 9:1

Be Distinct: God’s Timeless Call to His Children

After these things had been done, the leaders came to me and said, “The people of Israel, including the priests and the Levites, have not kept themselves separate from the neighboring peoples with their detestable practices, like those of the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians and Amorites.

Ezra 9:1 NIV

A petition came to Ezra, the man of God, stating that the people of Israel, including the Levites, had not separated themselves from the surrounding nations. This reveals God’s desire for a clear distinction between the children of His Kingdom and those of the world, a desire that has existed since time immemorial. God’s people must live differently, maintaining a clear differentiation. However, it is ironic that today, the world and the Church appear almost identical. Meanwhile, in the beginning, it was not so; we ought to be distinct.

God’s children have forgotten that they are pilgrims, not citizens of this world. However, we must remember that we belong to another Kingdom and should live according to its principles, not like the people around us. Today, it is difficult to distinguish a Christian from a non-Christian. When someone claims to be a believer, we find ourselves asking, “Are you sure? Are you truly born again?”

Meanwhile, there should be a noticeable difference for those who bear the name of the Lord. From the moment you give your life to Jesus, you renounce living like the world. You commit to a life of newness that centres solely on Jesus and nothing else.

Furthermore, the life you are called to live does not embrace everything that comes its way. Do you keep yourself away from the detestable things the world does? Are you uncomfortable with the unrighteousness surrounding you? The call is to “come out from among them and be separate,” says the Lord. You are not permitted to live like the world. Our desires and attention should shift away from worldly things. Instead, we ought to show the world how to live, not the other way around. The world is in its current state partly because the Church is conforming to worldly standards despite the clear instruction: “Do not conform.”

In conclusion, as a believer, you are different, and your lifestyle should reflect that of Jesus. Your life must mirror the righteousness of the Kingdom to which you belong. Today, God is calling you out of a life that merely plays at Church and conforms to worldly ways. He calls you to be a distinct child, a distinct believer, a distinct priest, even in these times. It is time to rise and live wholly for Jesus.

In everything you do, do not conform to the world around you; you cannot afford to live like that.

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