Be a Channel of Mercy: Let Mercy Flow Through You - Matthew 18:33 Be a Channel of Mercy: Let Mercy Flow Through You - Matthew 18:33

Be a Channel of Mercy: Let Mercy Flow Through You

Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?

Matthew 18:33 NIV

The standard of God has never changed for once. The way it has been before is the same way it is now. The matter of mercy and the standard God has placed on it has not changed. His demand is that we show mercy to others as He has done the same to us. It would be a sin if after everything that God has done for us, we cannot reciprocate it to others. I would like to note that the demand of God upon us to be merciful is call to be channel by which God’s mercy will reach His creation. God is the Spring of Mercy, therefore, as mercy flows abundantly into our lives, we are to allow it to flow even unto others.

Therefore, in the Lord’s prayer, it is “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us” (Matthew 6:12). God wants us to forgive others because He forgave us first. He died for us (while we were yet sinners- Romans 5:8). He could have decided to just get rid of us and He would be justified but He chose to die for our unrighteousness. God chose the way of mercy and forgiveness; the way of self sacrifice. In this way, His mercy, love, forgiveness, and so on, is poured out to us all. So, we see that God is not shrewd and wicked, He does not reap from where he has not planted. He will not ask you to give what He has not given you.

However, the question today is this: shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as you have received? Shouldn’t you extend this kindness to others when they wrong us? Why would you want to block the flow of God’s provision for mankind? Should we ignore our fellow man after God takes us in with our flaws and all? Don’t you realized that the person you’re to show mercy is your fellow? In sight of God, we are all equal in rank, power, or character. We belong to the same group – the sinners. Even if you’re have been saved, you used to be a sinner. So, should you not be compassionate about those who are still under the hold of the devil? This demand has been for a long time. We cannot change it to suit ourselves.

Meanwhile, what God expects you to give or show to others, is ‘insignificant’ when compared to what He has given to you.

Should you not have had mercy on your fellow slave [who owed you little by comparison], as I had mercy on you?

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18‬:‭33‬ ‭AMP‬‬

God has been merciful to you. Even if you are not yet born again, you cannot deny God’s mercy in your life. That you are reading this means you are alive, which is God’s mercy in action. You could have sleep and not wake up, but here you are, a product of God’s mercy. May I also remind you that God, in His mercy, is giving you each day, waiting for you to respond to the call of salvation (2 Peter 3:9). It would not be right to turn away again. This kindness is available for you now, embrace it by giving your life to Jesus. He wants to receive you and give rest to your soul.

Brethren, just like with other things in God there is a blessedness that is attached to being merciful. You enjoy more of the mercy of God when you show it to others. Without any input from us, Jesus decided to suffer and die for us. We should not walk around with any feeling of entitlement. This is the challenge that God is bringing our way today. Be a channel God’s mercy to flow into the lives others.

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