Authority in the Word: How Jesus' Teachings Differ from the Law - Mark 1:21-22 Authority in the Word: How Jesus' Teachings Differ from the Law - Mark 1:21-22

Authority in the Word: How Jesus’ Teachings Differ from the Law

They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law.

Mark 1:21-22 NIV

Have you ever heard a speaker who captivates your attention, whose words resonate with a power beyond mere knowledge? That’s the experience the people of Capernaum had when they encountered Jesus for the first time. We can see the authority in the words of Jesus. However, before this, we see that Jesus and the new disciples set out to start the work immediately. This work is to proclaim the good news that the kingdom is near. Then, Jesus went into the synagogue to teach this good news. Now, let’s look at the authority in the word of God as taught by Jesus. Remember, if you are going to follow Jesus, it’s important that you know who He is and what He can do.

Jesus and a few of his new disciples go to Capernaum. It’s the Sabbath; the day of worship. Jesus “went into the synagogue.” In synagogues, people read the Scriptures, pray, and worship God. They did not make sacrifices there. In some ways, the synagogue is like one of our church services today. So, Jesus entered the synagogue “and began to teach.” We do not know the content of the message. However, I’m sure it was on the kingdom of God and repentance because of verses 14-15.

Significantly, the people were amazed. We can say they were blown away by the words of Jesus. Jesus’ message was so riveting and powerful that His audience sat in stunned silence, hanging on to every word He uttered. Why? Because He taught with authority. First of all, teaching with authority has nothing to do with how loud you are. You can teach with great volume and be completely wrong. The word authority here speaks of power, conviction, dominion, etc. Jesus spoke with unction; the Holy Spirit was at work in Him.

Unlike the teachers of the law, who quoted religious authorities, Jesus speaks with his own inherent power. His words carry weight, a truth that resonates deep within the listeners. It’s a glimpse into Jesus’ divine nature, setting him apart from any other teacher. The teachers of the law were knowledgeable, but Jesus spoke with a deeper truth. Jesus’ message showed His connection to God not just head knowledge.

As a teacher of the word of God, rather than focus on complex musings, fancy vocabularies and mystical actings. Focus on having intimacy with God. It is from that connection that the authority comes from. The power that backs up the message is the Holy Spirit. Without Him, there is no authority.

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