Acknowledge your Need for God: Embrace Humility in Prayer - Psalm 9:18 Acknowledge your Need for God: Embrace Humility in Prayer - Psalm 9:18

Acknowledge your Need for God: Embrace Humility in Prayer

It may seem that those who are poor and needy have been forgotten, but God will not forget them. He will not leave them without hope.

Psalms 9:18 ERV

The bible clearly says that great blessing belongs to the poor in spirit. “God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.” (Matthew 5:3 NLT). Therefore, we must remind ourselves that God is faithful in fulfilling His promise. He will never forget to bring His plans to bear in our lives. But there is a need for us to acknowledge our need for Him. Even in our waiting for the manifestation of His purpose in our lives we must acknowledge that need.

Although, the fulfilment may seem to be delayed. As long as you are humble – devoid of any form of spiritual arrogance, acknowledging your need for God. You can be sure even as the scriptures says that God will not forget you. And that He will not leave you without hope.

He punishes murderers and remembers those who are in need. When suffering people cry for help, he does not ignore them.

Psalm 9:12 ERV

God is a good Father. So, to deny His goodness is to claim that He ignores those who cry for help. All through the scriptures we see God showing up for those who cry to Him. The children of Israel cried to God and He delivered them by bringing them out of Egypt. Therefore, you can rest in the fact that He cares for you even in your state of need.

He will care for the needy and neglected when they cry to him for help. The humble and helpless will know his kindness, for with a father’s compassion he will save their souls. They will be rescued from tyranny and torture, for their lifeblood is precious in his eyes.

Psalm 72:12-14 TPT

Humility is a major ingredient to receiving God’s care. So, any man that thinks he can take care of himself will not experience the compassion of the Father. It is a man who acknowledges his frailty that can know and receive the kindness of God.

“He will listen to the prayers of those in poverty. He will not ignore them. And he will hear the prisoner’s prayers. He will free those who were condemned to die.”

Psalm 102:17,20 ERV

Engage in earnest prayer unto the Lord during the waiting period. Do not murmur when you are supposed to call out to the Lord for help. Murmuring or complaining is not the same as praying. Make your request known to God by crying to Him for help.

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