A Conduit of Life: From Desert into a River of Living Water - Psalms 75:15-16 A Conduit of Life: From Desert into a River of Living Water - Psalms 75:15-16

A Conduit of Life: From Desert into a River of Living Water

He split the rocks in the desert and gave them an ocean of fresh water. He brought a stream of water out of the rock and made it flow like a river!

Psalms 78:15-16 ERV

What the Lord is set to do with your life is to cause you to break forth with freshness. He desires that you will be a conduit of life to people around you, even to generations yet unborn. God invests in life not just for the immediate moment but for a future that eyes have not seen nor ears heard. It is this kind of future that He saw and that is the reason for Jesus’ coming. I don’t want to look at how God will do wonderful things; Yes, He will do them.

What I want you to understand today is how God will cause an overflowing of His presence in your life. I believe that God wants to move in such a way that rocky areas of your life will split open to bring water. And this water will not just be trickling. It will steadily flow till it becomes a river of living water that men can drink from and be saved.

The life of the Samaritan woman in John 4 can be likened to a desert life. A life that is not producing any form of increase. Anything that comes into that life perishes. But the moment she encountered Jesus, she received the water of life. It did not just stop there; she became a conduit of living waters that the people in her time and even after her time were drinking from.

So, God wants to do a miracle in your life. It is a miracle that causes an increase to come out of a dead situation. Whatever area of your life needs to split for the inflow and outflow of the Holy Spirit, God wants to make it happen. All you need to do is to allow Jesus like the Samaritan woman.

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