However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
Luke 10:20 NIV
The Christian’s citizenship of heaven is his greatest blessing. There’s no other joy that can be compared to the joy of one’s salvation. And more importantly, the assurance that one’s name is written in heaven as Jesus is calling us to see here.
Meanwhile, every other joy is one way or the other related to our service as Christians. For example, the joy of triumph over evil spirits, the joy of having preached the gospel and wrought wonders, the joy of gifts, power, and success. But these needs moderation otherwise, it can easily lead to pride. Also, it is no evidence of grace in the heart that we possess gifts, or that we are successful.
Moreover, it is very unsafe to rejoice unduly in the work done, until its genuineness has been proved. Because the work after all may not turn out to be all that it appears. It is too early to begin to rejoice until it has been tried through the fire.
The emancipation from the kingdom of sin into the glorious liberty of the children of God, however, is the greatest reason for rejoicing. This is the joy that springs from faith while the other joy arises from sight. There are subtle dangers connected with success in Christian service, whereas the fact that our names are written in heaven reminds us of our infinite debt to God. It is safe to rejoice in salvation by grace.
May I ask whether you also have this joy? Do you have the assurance that your name is written in heaven? In what are you rejoicing?