The Great Wickedness: Understanding Sin Against God

The Great Wickedness: Understanding Sin Against God - Genesis 39:9

There is no one greater in this house than I, nor has he kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?”

Genesis 39:9 NKJV

Do you know that when you engage in sin, you commit a great wickedness against God? This understanding helps us maintain a sacred life where we seriously consider everything we do. We must not engage in whatever comes our way without careful thought. We need to reflect critically on our actions and thoughts because we are accountable to God.

Joseph could have slept with his master’s wife, and no one would probably have known. It could have remained a secret between him, Potiphar’s wife, and God, who sees everything. Joseph could have deceived himself into thinking that God wouldn’t care or notice. However, he understood that nothing he did was hidden from God’s sight. He recognised that engaging in an immoral affair with his master’s wife was a great wickedness against God.

It is important to note Joseph’s reaction and response to Mrs. Potiphar’s invitation. He did not joke around sin, nor did he excuse it for any reason. Instead, Joseph call this invitation a sin – a great wickedness against God. He did not see this as an opportunity to sleep with his master’s wife, he did not excuse himself by blaming her, saying: “she made me do it”. Joseph took responsibility for his action, acknowledged sin for what it is and would not sin against God. Not even when he know his action could put him in trouble.

Although Joseph had the liberty to manage his master’s household, he knew there were limits to his freedom, guided by his relationship with God. He understood the boundaries of walking with God, recognising that you cannot simply do anything that comes your way. Joseph stood firm in his faith, even when faced with temptation because he knew he was accountable to God.

Moreover, do you view sin as a great wickedness against God, or do you take pleasure in unrighteousness? Are you aware that God, being pure, cannot tolerate iniquity? Like Joseph, do you refuse to defile the temple of the living God for momentary pleasure? Do you behave with sacredness, knowing that God sees everything you do and that you are not free to indulge in every temptation? Have you set up boundaries in your walk with God as a disciple of Jesus, or are you still flirting with sin?

Joseph lived a life fully surrendered to God, recognising that God was the true overseer of his life. He had already cultivated an understanding that he belonged to God and lived under His jurisdiction. Have we embraced this understanding? Are we living in a way that aligns with God’s will and desires, within the boundaries He has set for us? These are important questions to ask ourselves as we seek to follow Joseph’s example of godly living.

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