Trust God’s Guidance: Learn from Lot’s Journey

Trust God's Guidance: Learn from Lot's Journey - Genesis13:10

Lot looked around and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan toward Zoar was well watered, like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt. (This was before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.)

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭13‬:‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Lot looked around and saw the whole plain of the Jordan, well-watered and appealing, but he failed to trust God’s guidance. His decision to settle in the lush land of Sodom and Gomorrah, based purely on what he saw, ended in disaster. This post explores the importance of trusting God’s guidance in every decision.

At this time, Abram and Lot had to part ways due to the quarrels between their herders. Their possessions had grown so vast that they could no longer live together peacefully. In order to prevent further conflict and preserve their relationship, Abram graciously gave Lot the liberty to choose any land he wanted, promising to go in the opposite direction.

Lot, surveying the land, looked around and saw the whole plain of the Jordan toward Zoar. It was lush, well-watered, and visually appealing, like the garden of the Lord. To Lot, it appeared to be the ideal place to settle. But this moment of decision, based purely on appearances, reveals a deeper lesson.

Lot’s perspective was purely physical. He saw with his eyes but failed to see with spiritual insight. He had no divine guidance. The land that seemed perfect was, in fact, the infamous region of Sodom and Gomorrah, known for its wickedness and sin. Lot didn’t realize that the beauty he saw was only skin-deep. He did not know that God would eventually destroy the land.

It’s important to understand that the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah didn’t start when Lot arrived. The sinfulness of the land had likely been growing for some time. Although God had not yet decided to destroy it, the place was already steeped in corruption. If it truly resembled the “garden of the Lord,” such evil would not have been its defining feature.

From a distance, Lot only saw green pastures and thriving lands. He didn’t know that the wrath of God hung over the region, waiting for the appointed time. He couldn’t foresee that this land, which seemed like a paradise, would bring about great loss in his life. Little did Lot know that the decision to settle in this region would result in personal devastation. He was forced to flee the land with little more than his life. When the angels came to warn him, he had to leave in haste, taking only his daughters with him. The possessions that had once been so important, even causing his separation from Abram, were left behind.

How many times have we made decisions based solely on outward appearances, without seeking God’s guidance? Like Lot, we may look at opportunities and think, “This is the right path, it looks perfect,” but do we stop to ask if God is truly in that decision? Do we seek His will for our lives before committing to a course of action?

Lot’s failure to seek God’s guidance led to hardship and regret. He saw only the surface and missed the deeper, spiritual reality. His choice, which seemed wise from a human perspective, led him into danger and loss.

We must learn from Lot’s mistake. Before making any decision, whether it’s a career move, a relationship, or a major life change, let’s be sure to seek God’s guidance. We may not always see the full picture, but God does. He knows what lies ahead, and when we trust in Him, we can avoid the pitfalls of relying on our limited human understanding.

Let us not be deceived by what merely looks good on the outside. Appearances can be misleading, and the “green pastures” we see may hide underlying dangers. Instead, let’s commit ourselves to discerning God’s will in all things.

In conclusion, Lot’s story reminds us that not everything that glitters is gold. His decision to settle in the plains of Jordan, based on physical sight alone, resulted in personal loss and spiritual danger. When we rely on our limited understanding, we risk making decisions that could lead us away from God’s best for our lives. Let us learn from Lot’s example and make a habit of seeking God’s guidance in every decision. In doing so, we align ourselves with His wisdom and avoid the traps of merely human judgment. May God help us to see not just with our eyes, but with faith and understanding, trusting that His guidance will always lead us to safety and blessing.

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