The Resting Place of Perfect Peace: Where You Should Be

The Resting Place of Perfect Peace: Where You Should Be - Isaiah 26:3

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.

Isaiah 26:3 NKJV

The hymn My Faith Has Found a Resting Place resonates deeply because it speaks of a place of rest in God. This resting place is where we cease striving to achieve or prove ourselves, and instead, surrender fully to Him. It is truly a place of perfect peace and rest, as stated in Isaiah 26:3. God desires to keep us in perfect peace, far from the turmoil of the world.

At this point, you no longer struggle or strive, but rather, you operate from a position of rest and trust in God. In this place, the enemy cannot reach you because it is God who carries you. Your faith is anchored in Him, and because your heart and mind are fixed on Him, He gives you perfect peace. Today’s world is filled with chaos, making it easy to fall into anxiety, depression, and panic.

However, can you hand everything over to God today? He is able to keep you in perfect peace, provided your mind stays on Him. Trust Him fully, and you will find your resting place in Him. This does not mean you won’t work or put effort into things, but that even as you work, you remain in His peace. In that resting place, no power of hell or scheme of man can remove you from His hands.

It is there that you realise you are truly safe in God’s care. I urge you today to find your resting place in God. Only then will the schemes of the devil fail, and the worries of life won’t overwhelm you. Others may wonder how you remain calm in the same troubles they face, but it’s because you have found peace and joy in God. In that place, your happiness doesn’t depend on the world’s economy or strategies.

Instead, you rest completely in God’s arms, assured that you are forever safe. Find your resting place in God today. By placing your full trust in Him, you will experience the life of peace He promises. Keep your mind on Him, and let your faith find that resting place in God.

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